Sunday, September 23, 2012

Short and Sweet Sunday

To call this morning's situations "un-ideal" for running, would be an understatement. Despite everything, though, my first (and final), post-injury, 20 mile run happened. (oontz oontz)

If not for the unfailing support of my family and friends, it would have been impossible. To thank them, and, to reward you, I'm including a photo of the sight only few would normally be able enjoy.

You're welcome.

red compression shorts + pink compression socks + me whining about my aching glutes= blissforall
What's your favorite weekend attire? 


  1. Funny how little phrases trigger unexpected thoughts. For me, this post brought to mind "If not for the courage of the fearless crew the 'Minnow' would be lost."

    The 'Minnow' would be lost.

    1. I paused for a reflective moment after reading your comment.
      Thank you.

  2. Looks like someone is all dolled up for a romantic date, to me!

    Favorite weekend attire? Usually a carefully chosen "hope nobody notices this is the same pair of shorts I wore yesterday, wearing them again because they didn't get pooped on by baby and they match my only clean shirt" outfit.

  3. Oh my gosh we have the SAME EXACT outfit! :) No seriously, I wear that pretty often

    1. Unfortunately I don't think this means our choice of fashion is popular....yet.

  4. Such a great color combo;-) Nice work getting er done!

    1. thanks...and thanks! It was no twenty-TWO miles, though...;)

  5. Bright is the new hot! Do you ever have any trouble with those compression socks chewing up your toenails? I ran in them once and lost 4 toenails. I'm sure they weren't ALL from the socks, but now I buy the sleeves and where Feetures socks.
    I'm going through an orange, bright yellow and sometimes very pink stage.
