Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm Not a Vegetarian. I Just Eat Like One

I used to eat meat. I used to LOVE meat. In fact, I have no moral opposition to eating animals. A little over a year ago, meat simply stopped tasting good to me. (Book Recommendation #1 : this one)

It made me very sad, actually.

(dramatic pause)

 Lunchmeat went by the wayside. Grilled, fried, roasted, broiled, chopped, chipped, whole, boneless, T-Bone...I desperately tried to cling to some form of it. No longer was I even able to go enjoy a celebratory steak or burger. The Husband and I, while celebrating our 2nd/8th anniversary, in Lake Tahoe, had days of kid-free dining in our greedy grips.

i want to go (back) to there
Our first night in town we went to an awesome, hibachi-style place. Guests fill up their bowls with uncooked goodies and bring them to entertaining chefs. The bowls get tossed around, the food is lined up, in rows, and sizzles away on the giant grill while everyone watches and drools.
I was the total buzzkill with the teeny, tiny row of veggies and noodles, squeezed in between the piles of juicy steak and seafood. 
"oh. She must be a vegetarian"

I gamely ordered a Filet Mignon, when we went to the fancy-schmancy steakhouse the next night. Another disappointment.  
Every once in a while, I'll still try a couple bites of chicken...snag a meatball from one of the boys' spaghetti...taste some well-cooked Thanksgiving Turkey, etc. Sometimes I can get past a few bites. Other times I gag, immediately.
For some ridiculous reason, there is so much stigma associated with how much meat is involved in one's diet. In a group setting, I'm constantly feeling the need to give a lengthy explanation or defense regarding my veggie burger.
I'm pretty sure I have never given a second thought to anyone's food choices (cannibals, aside, obvs). Why this is such a Big Deal is a complete mystery, to me. I have no problem discussing or reading about the varying views on the Meat v. No Meat topic, though, especially concerning athletes. It's particularly interesting from my current "I Love But Don't Eat Meat" status...(Book Recommendation #2 : I'm not a big fan of him, per se, but there are some amazing recipes!)
What's the point of all this? I guess it's just to note that I haven't noticed a significant drop or boost in my overall health or fitness. I run longer distances than I ever did, but I don't necessarily attribute that to the absence of meat. Goals just changed.  My energy levels are high, I run and work out just as frequently and my clothes still fit me the same way they did years ago. (I don't update my wardrobe very often).

how I long for an ice-cream based diet

All this food talk is making me hungry. I'm going to go have my snack, and then knock out a 10-mile, marathon goal-paced run.
What are YOUR weekend plans? 
Read any good books, lately?





  1. You should eat what you want without being labeled.
    I started eating Paleo/Primal about a year ago and absolutely love it. Mostly fresh veggies, but lots of good meat. We bought organic meat from a local farm and it's delicious. I don't eat any grains, breads or beans and even though I don't make a big deal about it, I get some teasing from friends, family and co-workers. It's my special "diet" they say, then when I say it's a "lifestyle" it just sounds awkward. Keep doing what your doing and pass that steak over here!

    1. I'm glad you found a way of eating you're happy with. I'd find it nearly impossible to give up grains. How'd you manage?!

  2. I could hardly stomach meat when I was pregnant and it just in the last year or so has started tasting really good again. I don't think anyone should have to defend their eating as long as it is healthy and you feel great.

    1. well said.
      Glad you're back on the meat-wagon. ;)

  3. Oh gosh, yes, a lot of people freak when I tell them we only eat meat a handful of days a month. HOW DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN? they say. Um, Kale, spinach, eggs, beans, cheese, nuts, seeds...want me to keep going...why are people so interested in my protein intake? K, I feel a lot better getting that off my chest :)

  4. Very interesting topic to me!
    I used to eat a lot of meat, and barely ANY vegetables. My parents used to joke that I was allergic to green stuff!
    I'm not really sure what changed, but besides some chicken here and there, I really don't eat much meat any more either. I'm not sure I even like it any more!
    I DID however, notice a lot, that my energy levels were way up because of it. Maybe it's all psychological though? hmm, I'm not sure!

    But, agreed - like Jade said, why is it SUCH a big deal if you don't eat meat so much?

    1. I'm not sure why the "weirdness" starts to kick in when discussing what people do and don't eat. It's generally such a matter of personal taste!

  5. I gotta say, all this time that you haven't been eating meat, I thought it was because you wanted to make healthier food choices. Since you're already so healthy, it seemed silly not to indulge once in a while. I didn't realize that you really don't like it anymore. Hence, the ribbing (har dee har) about your veggie burger at your birthday dinner.

    1. I'm pretty darned sure we've discussed this, previously...
      maybe you just wanted an excuse to throw in your clever "rib" joke?
